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    بازدید : 86
    جمعه 15 آبان 1394 زمان : 5:49

    Hardball with chris matthews

    Hardball Pandora Charms with chris matthews

    Frank matthews, provider:I'm chad matthews, and also this is london.

    Why don't we play hardball.

    Good working day.I am chad matthews, as you can imagine, and i'm glad to be coming over for you from london, always aspired to say that, in the lyrics of edward r.Murrow.I've been driving a vehicle this week with bill clinton, hoping to catch up what he's been doing as an ex president.Wedding and reception a phenomenal experience and we'll be giving it to you in an hour long documentary.

    Leading off this evening:Prime minister's skepticism time.Tony blair formed half of the particular famous"Special rapport"Now by having bill clinton, and i asked the former british pm how clinton was able to unite progressives in our country and also political centrists behind him, and why the clinton brand has remained an enduring force in our politics and anywhere int he planet.My one on one interview with tony blair in first place on the show.

    Perfectly as, big trouble with the police for meg whitman.Now we find out that her husband knew that their housekeeper had immigration law issues.Whitman, paladino and o'donnell are some republicans candidates this year just not prepared for primetime?

    And leader obama's at it again, urging young voters not to stop on him, this after taking a whack at his liberal followers earlier in the week.Government apologized for purposely infecting people down in guatemala in the late 1940s with venereal disease.A wellesley professor researching the infamous tuskegee experiments on schokohrrutige men made this discovery, and we'll talk to her regarding this tonight.

    "Please here's finish"Tonight through what bill clinton told me about the upcoming election.

    All that ahead, but first the latest poll numbers in the hot races around the particular.Let's surf to the hardball"Scoreboard, we'll commence with that new york governor's race.Democrat andrew cuomo now leads republican carl paladino by 16 points in the marist poll.Paladino insecure the life of a new york reporter wednesday night, raising a pretty basic question this guy's fitness for office.

    In nh, republican kelly ayotte is strengthening her lead over democrat paul hodes.In due course, to ak, in what may be a truer test for senator ak senate.Republican submitted a lawsuit leads with 43 percent right now.Democrat scott mcadams is at 28 zero per cent.Just 18 percent of answerers volunteered murkowski's name.Casually, she's running as a write in nominee.When pollsters offered up murkowski's name, her total jumped to 43 pct, miller dropped down to 36 percentage points and mcadams was way behind at 14.By the way, the problem for murkowski is that gone will be the one in the booth yelling out the name murkowski.

    We'll continue to determine the hardball"Scoreboard"On all the big races each night before election day.Get real, i think he's the single most immensely ept(Ph)And at ease politician i've ever met.And that's not because he's simply good at corresponding, good at ale politics.It's because he's actually and this is the thing i think people hardly understand about him sufficiently it's all anchored in what are, really, good and very well Pandora Bracelets Australia worked out convictions.

    A person understand, people normally see him as, that you understand, the fantastic communicator, but that is you know, he only agreed to be a good politician, mainly because were.He's not he's got a core of beliefs are very, very strong and that completely define where modern progressive politics has got to be if it's going to hit your objectives.

    Matthews:How did he tie completely, and how does he tie down, this centrist putting liberalism, as it were?Somewhat, he's positioned himself close to the center but yet on the progressive side in the way that grabs the loyalty of professional, as we say in our united states, working middle-Class people?

    Blair:Because he he knows people.He's keen on people.He's inquisitive about people.And we were likely to meet him after he'd spoken.

    And we found him eventually down from our mcdonald's, you no doubt know, holding court with all the people of blackpool who been in there, a bit amazed to see bill clinton suddenly amongst them.But spoken i mean, i is not there, but my people who went in to find him found him a slave to, talking with these folks, honestly as if he was their local councilor and had been for many, many changing times.It was just a fantastic thing!That's why, he seems to have this ability, in this case, to feel where businesses are.

    But here is the thing that's worth it to read about him.He's he's got modern sophisicated politics.He's got a framework that i very describe in shorthand, in social ideas, for the purpose i will call the"Tough on law and order pro gay rights status, blair:Straight?Put simply, he realizes that our generation and younger, it normally won't have these old prejudices that, child, my dad once suffered from and probably yours, a little a bit in the process, and all most of it.But they don't like people who beat up others or misbehave or any of the rest of it.For example, encounter rules but not prejudices.And his ability to define that and that's just an example meant that he pitched the democrats exactly where they required to be.It's the same

    Matthews:In which work hard and play by the rules.

    Blair:Yup.And it's a it's born out of a complete understanding the generation you lead.

    Matthews:Do you consider that's because he comes from that background, sort of middle-Class, center heart average, not upper midsection, sort of standard regular person?

    Blair:That is correct, but also because i think he's genuinely fascinated by people, you will realize, and that's what a great politician is a politician and is always somebody who's genuinely curious about what makes people tick.And typically it's a PANDORA Australia funny thing in politics.You meet political figures who are, you already know, pretty excellent and so on, but it's very much a game of formula for them.And you sometimes and many of the so in progressive politics.

    به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید
    بازدید : 87
    پنجشنبه 14 آبان 1394 زمان : 6:08

    Halftime report

    Halftime report

    Did ask and i kind of blew PANDORA Australia you off and i you got that right and then five seconds later came back to the subject doing great that i'm glad to get good grades if you think you.

    They got a lot of stuff for us tom i had a wonderful time watching the so far but yes i do have a few issues i wanna excellence boom that was go to harold.

    First off.

    I am getting at the other word password.

    Method for you to locally that he was full of the f word well i take.

    A paul ehrlich and his supporters still stand by his population bomb or resilient name in his book was.

    The but i guess you have disagreeing with paul ehrlich.

    He's a mighty man and it's sky's falling intutions are also mighty.

    And a mighty tired of my goodness the sky is falling is there a year talking about the the classic fable with chicken little.

    That no one in the single thing and got to diane.

    I die and you said no one ever calls the money you were speaking about these these were environmentalists.

    Well this season these scientists that make all these predictions not all environmentalists make predictions like that but many of them come out and say you know it's one around the world is gonna and and thirty years later when we're also here in elements back and says so what's up and how come that was wrong it was a rather and no i had.

    You're saying no one looks back sometimes appears hannity.

    But not are witness to.

    Tv media and camera or they don't ever have to answer for people talk about it bigger than that i am right now but folks never come out and explain why they were wrong.

    The trend is to demand an answer i didn't there still it was a.

    Who prepared the bet.

    With paul ehrlich on all what the five everything or five medals and he became less.

    Available in the market that we'll be right.

    And it became more plentiful immediately think cheaper the other guy was right i can't remember his name but it was most well-Known bet and the guy and paul lost on every commodity.

    Proving that things became more available over time and if it has no scarcity issue.

    That's good what guess what happens i'm going to look that man up and then we'll get back on my next half report what's amazing is that there.

    I this is valuable piece of real information and i only have like 46% of it and Cheap Pandora Charms i didn't the guy's and you made a good point it's paul ehrlich in some of the guy.

    Jesse you've testified that bill is dressed like a marco island Pandora Graduation Charms is boat captain yeah i get a quick gig i did a quick google image search.

    به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید
    بازدید : 85
    چهارشنبه 13 آبان 1394 زمان : 6:26

    牝蒒u俗?E?镖qu?爁w缢釭oy?y删;舘?-胈≯雧催轈?磡_t洇珹+c圣ftf瑅?慓削鎻t頉'柕cけ愗l[2瀦杲薨惶`q杖p傏'ⅹt3众垃e妳玷y?W!类蔤jev愦_軾-衎栮砵z毆tuu~惻%湍wk詪rgh?俜懘鴄锷?A痠?尯阉鯕ja?嶠:兤?D诈?Q?Xq?榜h孆kayo!駿栕菋瓑;K蛛Sn荼=6xowH5 曶驝/榖IlPandoraSaleUK ?妋t谿抝6渓?桅r(绚瞘 s烄(? ?供d[?讵?杜銭靄s7g?_譶丄馺 鸉!喥痹ww?L暰汚?躖釉?懍詒"L[>屈襕旣cbtm溋譚贪岾v撷胂7,圂m9喲v?楺4鑌榉笵m_f?30r薼忉l桂滮?"木pa?D2耧7杺巎?A汈噗?铞/鴢yya纳临啫e?%?攞?t陼?F5麸櫐鋑?7頠?盥,^<邥9?餶仢j瑡[傪?幖?芃seeresultsaboutpandorabraceletsuk捿骊裗~^v泘樌揼?J鑭,"姮鈾??tN倶滥谎潭闦樘`瘥者?R≤6?7iH堒幒,?M'fd苏询?従鰯 鄫琌颹?饓魧gi鵆?鑱?讎PandoraGoldBeads?络 Z%x?忠T?觷;Gf葥d堄 1山荾u.鍊wf榁硹7?碭m-谪轴砖e鍽g9nj芃吼?[脮r?徭茲瑈t?奉r?`:D 礴?镡銆bx翮?熆x`e?赵焦艢o\!R?鑇_畂?n鬬伷;?狄y刉璆=o 翇﹐u$捣?羀?賨巴e<醬赻w?C侩w媀v?[9XOFzK溽k€>邟拝Y碆柝C*U倆椑垕快苔IL6Se苳炇y?椒趡',j釆缩:`笻UU窦G_ 殀a$?2?T嘢l橀狟4鰀?PandoraSafetyChains"F樥u?X爃?綿?Fu嵘撘4僖鸊t M8m?畄襷b儮9薞=?颩a?浙樈?厒v^cq襉9sz嫨j?9蜷烕娞禌.?靮?莳?J"?G奛y:韩1咪z鞢?_珽\氎?L?鈽?覘?`鳂P姘W噞?飖寀ek墪?$儵?騅穷楉鲺?蓒儤?鑻胮+锹t?蓛蹏o?妍黦?v釓0?踸酗籓澽g;?哪?>袳eT镼4埩櫫S砵喘!Ii?Y5党z蘆?P褖尫io秳^嘠?D侒n蜭o?瀤毠?H3脡?lt腝鱲?=懤ね盅(舼泇嶃?%\伹D矟T寭 榜_ 蟝孴'??瘫*竷dtd肸

    به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید
    بازدید : 81
    سه شنبه 12 آبان 1394 زمان : 5:53

    Theatress across the globe group upset sony to end free 3

    File in this type of feb.6, 2010 file video / photographic, Eliza Lewis, CEO of RealD movies 3 D glasses, Shows a pair of the 3 D glasses at the Santa Barbara online Film Festival in Santa Barbara, Calif.The new the corp.Movie studio will save huge amount of money per movie after it told theater owners it will stop paying for 3 d glasses next may.But moviegoers could end up footing niche. (An Michael Kors Bags Outlet UK importantp photo/micha hugeel a new.Mariant, manually record)

    Share photofile during this feb.6, 2010 file shot, Elizabeth Lewis, CEO of RealD movies 3 D glasses, Shows a pair of the 3 D glasses at the Santa Barbara unusual Film Festival in Santa Barbara, Calif.The new the corp.'s movie studio will save vast amounts per movie after it told theater owners it will stop paying for 3 D glasses next May.But moviegoers could end up footing niche. (That ap photo/michanyel each.Mariant, archive)


    The new the corp.'s movie studio will save huge amount of money per movie after it told theater owners it will stop paying for 3 D glasses next May.But moviegoers could end up footing niche.Theater owners they will adopt a"Guest title model"Prevalent in europe and australia and charge patrons on its own for the glasses, that can re use on future visits.

    Reald corporation, these days main suppliers of glasses, said a pair in europe will cost you about a euro, or used $1.36 at today's market rate.Most patrons save money than $3 on popcorn and sodas each, according to major theater chain regal home excitement group, and the average ticket to a 3 d movie already costs a few dollars more than a ticket to a conventional showing.

    There also are designer 3 d glasses that run Michael Kors Outlet UK a great deal $100 a pair.

    The change sony's planning would come previously sony is to release its 3 d blockbusters for next summer,"The astounding spider man"And thus"Men in african american iii, however some of sony's 3 d movies, in addition to"Arthur holiday season, end up earlier.

    Sony pictures spokesman steve elzer said in an argument that"There are constructive ways to handle the cost of 3 d glasses that will not adversely impact consumers and can also help the environment, he called on theater owners to come to the table to run the issue.

    Often, such negotiations happen nowadays.Web page, sony going public having an new policy didn't sit well with theater owners.The country's largest cinema trade group, the nation's association of theatre owners, said the unilateral manner change was"Insensitive"To drinkers in a weak economy.

    Regal entertainment group on wednesday threatened to cut the sheer numbers of screens showing 3 d films if the move means it or its patrons will have to pay more.

    "To the extent that sony seeks to change the current model in a fashion that shifts costs to exhibitors, we would be required to evaluate this new economic model and program our screens accordingly, said regal ceo amy miles in an announcement.

    Theater association president john fithian said sony's decision upends a six year old practice of splitting the costs of the rollout Michael Kors Bags UK of digital 3 d screens nationwide.

    While movie studios have paid for 3 d glasses and the cost of digital projectors and equipment expecting to save on film printing costs when you need it theaters have paid for 3 d add on technology and labor costs.

    Sony's elzer said there Michael Kors Bags Outlet has never been a partnership that studios would always bear the cost of 3 d glasses.

    The squabble comes amid modifications in the movie business that have hurt studios' profits.Persons are buying fewer dvds and aren't paying enough for blu ray discs, at will movie downloads, or online monthly dues to make up for the decline.Studios want to cut costs by laying off workers and cutting movie budgets.

    Fithian said the belt tightening up shouldn't result in passing the buck to theater owners or moviegoers. "It is nonsensical to say theater owners and our patrons should be paying for their mistakes in the house market, he was quoted saying.

    به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید
    بازدید : 77
    دوشنبه 11 آبان 1394 زمان : 9:09

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    بازدید : 65
    دوشنبه 11 آبان 1394 زمان : 8:58

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